James Douglas

Hi, my name is James Douglas.

I’ve always found medicine fascinating, whether it was listening to my grandpa’s stories of being a surgeon in Oxford or discussing new innovations in patient care with my brother, who is also a doctor. My own passion has led me to run complex yet creative international events and congress programs for high-profile clients like AstraZeneca, Novartis, Cisco, and Coca-Cola.

As HCP engagement and flat budgets continue to challenge most brands, I spend a lot of my time at Exhibitus helping clients reimagine their event programs to enhance audience receptivity and encourage a more experiential educational approach.

My career is defined by memorable projects rather than years. Here are two of my favorite projects:

  • During the pandemic, with no congresses in sight, I led the team responsible for the 3D immersive “Unusual Suspects” experience we created for AstraZeneca’s Tezspire in collaboration with Amgen. While the industry focused on recreating virtual exhibits, we won awards by leaning into the possibilities of digital and delivering a unique experience.

  • Prior to relocating to the US, I was proud to help launch a UK-wide charity challenge as part of the official legacy program for the London 2012 Olympics. I’ll always smile when I remember the look on employees' faces as they turned up to work and discovered one of the national Olympic or Paralympic teams training in their receptions.

I live in Atlanta, Georgia, with my wonderful wife, three children, and dog.

You can reach me at james.douglas@exhibitus.com


Mark Harnischfeger


Pete Riddell