Friday, August 16

Speakers and program are subject to change.


Buffet Breakfast + Roundtable Readouts + Awards Ceremony



Corporate Policy to Carpet Line: The Mega Trends Driving the Business of Healthcare and How They Will Impact Your Convention Strategy … and the Future of Conventions

Join us as Dr. Bill Trombetta bridges the significant challenges in healthcare with the innovative marketing strategies used by pharmaceutical companies at conventions.

Bill will connect the dots between the mega trends driving the business of healthcare and our convention messaging and engagement strategies:

  • The massive impact of mergers, acquisitions, and private equity among pharma, biotech, device, and healthcare technology companies

  • The shift from volume-based to value-based healthcare

  • Legislative focus on ensuring healthcare quality, accessibility, and transparency while reducing administrative burdens for providers.

  • The social determinants that are increasingly an obstacle to reaching significant patient populations

You will leave with an understanding of how each of these trends impacts healthcare delivery, patient outcomes, your convention strategy, and the industry's future.


Spotlight Session - Spiro

Kevin Ruiz, Vice President of Strategy, Measurement, and Innovation at Spiro, will discuss how optimal sponsorship strategies are evolving. Focusing on sustainability and precise targeting, Kevin will show how these approaches, led by data-driven decision making, result in meaningful connections and maximized value. Learn how to move beyond traditional practices to create impactful, memorable experiences.



Latest Healthcare Exhibitor Benchmarks: Compare Your ROX and ROE - Sponsored by Reality Engineering

Are you delivering  impactful experiences? Are physicians getting what they want and need from your exhibits? Are your sponsorships relevant and memorable?

In this session, you will be the first to see EVOLIO’s hot-off-the-press healthcare industry benchmarks - data you can use to measure and improve the impact of your exhibits and sponsorships, inform your stakeholders, and highlight the value of your program … and yourself.

Plus, you will see how healthcare convention benchmarks compare with other industries, learn to establish SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely) KPIs, and optimize ROX (return on experience) and ROE (return on emotion) for your visitors and stakeholders.

Don't miss this engaging and informative session and elevate your healthcare conventions to a higher level.





HCEA's Annual HCP Panel:
Firsthand Perspectives on the Value of Healthcare Exhibits in 2024

In this signature session of GST24, we’ll ask healthcare professionals how they feel about medical conventions: which exhibits attract them, what resonates, and what doesn't. And we’ll compare their responses to the results of HCEA’s HCP survey. GST24 attendees will leave with a copy of the data.

Moderated by Michael Young, Principal and Founder of biomedwoRx: Life Science Consulting.



Onward and Upward

Laine Mann, newly installed president of HCEA, will close out GST24, and announce the location of our next in-person meetings.